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Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year
The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout service project of the year award (ESSPY) to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by an Eagle Scout candidate to a religious institution, a school, community, or other entity through completion of an Eagle Scout project.
Examples of projects that have been selected for the ESSPY include projects that have benefited underprivileged children, recognized veterans, been international in nature, and have required significant time and resources.
If you are interested in learning more, feel free to visit the NESA website page here.
Local Selection
The selection of recipients begins at the local level and is conducted through the council NESA committee. The council NESA committee selects a recipient for their respective council from the list of submitted nominations and then forwards a worthy candidate to the National Eagle Scout Association for regional consideration.
Region and National Selection
Regional ESSPY recipients are selected by each council’s regional NESA scholarship committee. Regional recipients will receive $500, to be available for their future educational purposes or to attend a national or international Scouting event or facility.
The recipient of the national award is then selected among regional recipients by a special selection committee of the National Eagle Scout Association. National recipients will receive $2,500, to be available for their future educational purposes or to attend a national or international Scouting event or facility.
How to Submit your Application
Please submit your applications to Grand Canyon Council to GCC.Development@scouting.org by December 31, 2023. Click Here to download the application.