Membership Applications

Scouting youth and adult membership applications forms with registration resources from the National Council

Financial Assistance Application

This will take approximately 6-9 minutes to complete. Please provide the following information to be considered for a scholarship (campership)

Annual Health and Medical

Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in making sure you have a great Scouting experience

Incident Reporting

Timely reports allow for an appropriate response. Report incidents, misses, youth protection and membership infraction incidents.

Journey to Excellence

(JTE) is BSA’s planning, performance, and recognition program designed to encourage and reward the success of our units, districts, and councils.

Eagle Rank

There are a series of steps to be followed, outlined in the files and guides below. Simply download each item, follow the instructions, and let us know if you have any questions!

Honors and Awards

This is where the most up-to-date information about Council Honors and BSA-related awards may be found, including award applications and nomination forms.

Certificate of Insurance Request

Unit Account Signature Card

Electronic Merit Badge Blue Card

Merit Badge Counseling