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The Fall Popcorn Sale is Important!

There are plenty of good reasons for your Scouts to take part in the annual popcorn sale. Scouts can earn money for camp, activities throughout the year, and they learn valuable skills like teamwork, goal setting, time management, and salesmanship – just to name a few. Scouts gain confidence and a sense of accomplishment – the popcorn sale is not about selling popcorn, it’s about promoting awesome programs for youth through Scouting!  Best of all, there is NO upfront cost to your unit to participate! Units that take part in the Take Order and Online Direct popcorn sales will have a zero-risk fundraiser.

Selling popcorn also helps your Council raise money for improving summer camps, offering more extensive training for our volunteer leaders, and keeping program and activity costs down.  The popcorn sale benefits the Scouting community in our Council as a whole, as well as individual units and Scouts, bringing in over half a million dollars to Scouting in Grand Canyon Council annually!

Some Selling Stats:
  • Scouts selling popcorn averaged $101 in sales per hour at storefront locations in 2023!
  • 82 packs and troops participated in the traditional fundraiser and averaged $11,803  in sales. Additionally, Scouts earned Amazon gift cards that helped them purchase awesome items and have fantastic experiences at our local Council camping properties.
  • Scouts that sold popcorn in 2023 averaged $971 in sales.

Top Reasons to Sell Popcorn

  • A Scout can earn their own way to camp with a proven fundraiser that works, all while keeping money in their parents’ pockets!
  • Take Order and Online Direct sales are a no-risk fundraising opportunity available for all Scouts.
  • Not only will Scouts learn how to make a sales pitch and the value of hard work, but they can use aspects of the fundraiser to advance and earn rank and portions of several merit badges!
  • A portion of this fundraiser supports Grand Canyon Council, which is used to improve properties and programs, supplement camp fees to keep them low, and provide financial assistance for Scouts in need!

Getting Ready for 2024

The 2024 Popcorn Fundraiser has more support than ever to aid your Scouts in fundraising. Be sure to follow these steps to get prepared for your sale this fall!

Right Click Image to Open or Save

2024 Sale Timeline and Key Dates

June 6 Early Commitment Banner Deadline
July 20 Storefronts Selections Begin
Aug 23 Show & Sell Orders DUE from Units
Sep 12-13 Show & Sell Distribution (includes banners)
Sep 17 Weekly Prize Drawings Begin for Scouts
Sep 23 Mid-Sale Orders DUE from Units
Oct 4-5


Oct 28


Nov 15-16

Mid-Sale Distribution


Take Orders / Final Order DUE from Units


Take Orders / Final Order Distribution Final Payments Due & Sale Officially Ends




Jan 2025

Top Sellers Celebration High Achievers / Champions Club


Top Unit Celebration Dinner

2024 Trails End Sale Resources

These resources have been uploaded to the ‘Training’ tab of the Leader Portal and the Scout App.

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2024 Popcorn Sale Social Media Images

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2024 Popcorn Sales Incentives

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A list of the sales incentives:

  1. Prizes – All Scouts will receive an electronic Amazon gift card emailed directly to them a week after their unit’s fundraiser is complete. This will allow Scouts to choose from many more options for prizes, gifts, and toys, and have it shipped to their house, all without having to wait on prizes to be ordered, shipped, and distributed!   Prizes are based on points instead of dollars, allowing for Scouts to earn additional rewards!
  2. Scouts will earn 1 point for each $1.00 in cash sales.
  3. Scouts will earn 1.25 points for each $1.00 in credit card & online direct sales (Wagon & Storefront).
Scholarships – The Scholarship Program was discontinued in 2020.

Trails End Fundraising Mobile App

  • The app for Scouts to track and report real-time storefront, wagon and online sales, accept cash and credit cards, track inventory by Scout and storefront, and sign up for storefront shifts!
  • The app has been redesigned, with upgrades to the platform allowing it to be even faster and more stable!
  • FREE credit card processing.
  • Please contact with technical support questions
  • For 2024 – all storefronts are arranged through the Trails End app and kernel account (webpage).

Storefront Sales






Trails End will be supporting Grand Canyon Council in securing storefronts with national chains.  We expect over 9,000 hours’ worth of storefronts at locations such as Michaels, Ace Hardware, Tractor Supply, Olsen’s Grain, Flying J’s, Lowes, Loves, a few Walmarts, Bass Pro, Sportsman’s Warehouse, and many more!  All storefront reservations will be made in the Trails End Leaders Portal and will automatically populate within your unit’s storefront calendar so that your Scouts may sign up for shifts within your unit.  This process cannot be completed outside of the Trails End system, so we recommend you ensure that your families have downloaded the app or have an account online.

Trail’s End will distribute the storefront shifts to units through the Trail’s End Leader Portal beginning in July. This is a national rollout and is not customizable for Grand Canyon Council. The distribution schedule for all storefronts is as follows:

  • July 20th: Units who sold $20k+ in 2023 will be able to select 4 reservations
  • July 21st: Units who sold $15k+ in 2023 will be able to select 3 reservations
  • July 22nd: Units who sold $10k+ in 2023 will be able to select 2 reservations
  • July 23rd: All Units will have unlimited reservations

Click here for the storefront reservation guide.

The units with the best sales coordinate storefronts within their community with individual contact to those local contacts! You can contact nearby businesses, organizations, and sporting venues, Scouts’ own churches and schools, at festivals, fairs, community events, and more!

Please do not count on being able to rely solely on the storefronts organized by Council or Trails End. It is up to the unit to identify the best opportunities for sales and storefronts so that your Scouts have an opportunity to promote their Scouting aspirations and fund their adventures to as many people as they can!

  • Each unit is responsible for organizing its own storefronts and ensuring there are enough sales opportunities for its Scouts to achieve their own goals.
  • Several organizations are coordinating with Council to provide storefronts collectively, please do not contact the organizations listed below as all of their storefront registrations are coordinated in bulk by Council
  • Council-coordinated storefronts are limited and are first come-first served
  • Council-organized storefronts are to supplement the storefronts organized by each pack and troop within their own community. These storefronts should not be your first or only opportunities to sell

Unit Orders and Returns

Unit orders are due by the posted dates on the timeline. No late orders can be accepted.

Grand Canyon Council does not accept returns of unsold popcorn from units.

Units should only order products that they intend to sell and should order in line with their Unit and Scout goals and participation in mind.

Units may mitigate their risk, or even have a no-risk sale, by focusing on or only engaging in Take Orders and Online Sales.

  • Grand Canyon Council encourages units to order according to their Scouts’ committed sales goals.  The initial Show and Sell order should be less than the total goal, additional products can be ordered through the Mid-sale and Take Order orders. This order is by the case, not by the individual bag.
  • A  mid-sale order will be available for units to top off their inventory. This order is placed after the initial delivery when units have been able to determine their sales levels and have had a chance to sell at storefronts.
  • The final Take Order orders will allow units to order the exact number of containers they need to fulfill their needs. Units should use any excess popcorn they have in inventory to fill their orders, then submit an order for additional products needed.
  • Grand Canyon Council will provide you with a popcorn order calculator that will allow you to determine a variety of products in line with your goal, based on the ratios of popcorn sold in prior years.
  • Grand Canyon Council will encourage units to trade and transfer products throughout the sale to find more popcorn or take products from other units that ordered too much.
  • Units keep their commission immediately but must pay Council the remaining balance by the deadlines posted on the timeline scheduled above.

Key Popcorn Contacts

Council Staff Advisor Matt Hill 602-955-7747 ex. 202;
Council Staff Support Emily Gilbert 602-955-7747 ex. 255;
Customer Service Specialist Lisa Knight 602-955-7747 ex. 221
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